AUDICOM's HDVmixer video module has been developed using a Server-Client architecture. The server is where HDVMixer composes the video signal. Mixing several video input signals, adding texts, images (logos) and other layers of information. All these video scene composition objects are configured remotely from one or several remote computers running HDVMixer Controller (client application).

HDVMixer handles up to 6 video sources, 5 of which are user-defined and the sixth is the video signal comming from AUDICOM 9 VIDEO HD. Various types of video feeds can be used in HDVmixer. The user can choose any combination of the following options: webcams, professional camera inputs via Blackmagic capture cards, IP cameras, RTMP video streams, or even window's desktop screen capture inside the PC itself (to generate virtual sources based on Skype Video or a web browser).
HDVMixer server also performs the task of encoding the stream. Using H.264 video compression, and selectable MP3 or AAC audio encoding. Video and audio data rates are user configurable up to 3500Kbps and 256kbps respectively. The encoded signal stream is delivered to the CDN server automatically for publication. HDVmixer Server streams using Flash/Wowza servers RTMP compatible protocol.
Thanks to the use of intensive GPU hardware accelerated algorithms, HDVMixer server can run in the same on-air workstation side by side with the radio automation software. A secondary computer for video processing and encoding is not necessary. Simplifiyng installation, reducing maintainance costs, and at the same time decreasing downtime, computer hardware investment and energy bills.
To avoid messing with the DJ's work, the computer should have at least two monitors. So that HDVMixer is visualized in the auxiliary monitor, while the radio automation software still uses the main monitor.
Some stations will want to have a video monitor to display the program output in the studio. Other broadcasters may require a video signal feed to a TV channel (either cable or DTV). This is easily acomplished, as HDVMixer Server has a program output to fulfill these requirements. The HDMI, DVI, or RGB video output is available simultaneously with the Internet streaming signal encoding.
HDVMixer server automatically handles audio-video synchronization between USB cameras and video file playback. Audio can be captured from the audio console, or from an external software/hardware audio processor. This external processor can have up to 120mS of processing delay. The external audio source delay can be compensated in 1mS steps to achieve a perfect audio-video sync in the brodcast.